Monday, September 6, 2010

How To Hack Your Wii ( 4.3 U ) The Easy Way.

This turtorial teaches you how to hack your wii the easy way using these 2 downloads: 1st 2nd First you have to have your SD card in your wii. Then sttart SSBB , go to stage editor then delete all stages or move them to the sd card, go back, then take out your SD card and put it into your computer. You should be able to have a folder in your sd card called ''private'' change it to ''privateold'' . The smash stack download should've gave you a folder called ''private'' copy that to the SD then open the hack mii one and you should see a folder called Boot.elf , copy that to the SD card. Now the final step, start SSBB, go to stage editor, the boot will load and press continue then install homebrew channel, and now your done! Sure now you can only pop bubbles in the hombrew channel but you can download the apps here: Make sure you follow the instructions alright? EVERYONE WHO HAS A 4.3 WII YOU HAVE TO DOWNGRADE IT TO 4.1!! DOWNGRADE TO 4.1 ONLY!!! Here's the link: YOU NEED DOPMII VERSION 13 TO DO THE DOWNGRADE HERE'S DA LINK: YOU NEED NEOGAMMA LATEST VERSION TO PLAY BURNT GAMES, DVD-R'S, CD-R'S, ECT. Here's the link: FOR USB FLASH DRIVE/HARD DRIVES( DOESNT MATTER HOW BIG IT IS ,USB's are the best choice because they're cheaper than cd's, and you can store like 7 or 8 games in a 8gb flash drive) Here's the link: ***Important*** Make sure you Usb is compatible with the ...

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