Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to GPD Mod (Black Ops Zombies with USB)

IMPORTANT: To use this, you need to delete the TITLE UPDATE. You have to go to system settings, go to memory, click your hard drive, click games, go to Black Ops, and delete the title update. Downloads (Choose only one GPD) Modded GPD: Modded GPD (different menu): Steps: 1. Take USB stick and copy you're profile onto it via xbox 2. Plug it into pc and load up Modio 3. Find your profile and extract it to desktop 4. Drag your profile into Modio. 5. Go to file contents and right click the GPD (ending in 855) 6. Click replace (or inject) file and browse for the Modded GPD 7. Rehash and resign 8. Delete the old profile off usb and replace it with new modded one 9. Start your xbox but don't sign in, go to the main screen that says "press start", then sign in. HOW TO WORK EVERYTHING:

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